Dance Mista Jazz, daaance! I just finished this now. This is my first time inking something in Illustrator. Tedious at first, but fun :) This is deer love. It's a few years old, done in...pencil?
A super fast run cycle! I did this during my second year of animation. The girl is a modified version of Wendy, the character we were given that I was never fond of. So, I made her more Ally-esque!
Rorschasch was adopted by Linda and Tom Henderson in 1998. Despite his obvious demonic appearance and behavior (which included speaking in tongues, arson and eating his nightlights) the Hendersons did everything in their power to raise him as a normal, respectable boy. While Linda seemed oblivious to Rorschasch's abnormal qualities, Tom always remained ambivalent about his adopted son. It wasn't that he didn't love him as his own, but there was a certain inescapable uneasyness that would befall the room whenever Rorschasch would bring out Mr. Glee.
These are various backgrounds and stills from a short film I made for school called Dollface. It will be posted here in its entirety eventually, I just have some more colouring and tweaking to do.
I drew this several months ago, and coloured her a few weeks ago. I am still a n00b when it comes to Photoshop.
Hello, there. Fancy seeing you here...
Well, for the longest time, I avoided having any sort of blog. Blogs frightened me. They made me uncomfortable. I even avoided friends' blogs. Why? You say? I have no legitimate reason, I'm just a weirdo. Now that I've graduated from classical animation, I have no more excuses for not having my own tiny, somewhat individualized space. I should have had one many years ago! This being my first, ever so holy post, I'll tell you a bit about myself.
-I live in Ottawa, Ontario. -I enjoy drawing, painting, animation, making films, making things out of old toy parts, fabric, chunks of plaster etc. -Music is a huge part of my life. Whether it's listening to it, making it (ie singing, or playing instruments) DJ'ing or dancing. -Sometimes I bake, but it usually goes awry.
Oh! And this doodle here? That's Charles. I drew him in life drawing class when I was supposed to be drawing something else. That is all for now. Stay tuned, I have A LOT of craziness that has yet to be viewed by human eyes.